Future Diaries is a very dark and thought provoking anime. Greg wrote about this anime earlier (check it out here) and he and our friend Alex told me I had to watch it. Like Greg said in his post this is a mature anime, for mature audiences. You are going to see some disturbing images. Basically 12 people are chosen and given the ability to see into the future based on their diaries, and must kill each other off until only one remains.
This week it’s time to return to ‘what we can learn from anime’. Over the weekend I caught up on one of my favourite anime’s Fairy Tail, and it had a very touching moment. Fairy Tail is an epic about a guild who’s members play an integral role in shaping the future of the land around them. Basically it is wacky, fun, and often very touching, but also has awesome powers, and amazing battles. It touches on themes of family, friendship, loss, and overcoming all odds. It was in a heartfelt scene near the end of the current season that Natsu, a main character of the show, teaches us what to do in times of sorrow.