I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before in any of my posts, but when I play a game, I try to play my first run of the game without a walkthrough. I go in as blind as possible. Mainly, I do this because I relish in the feeling I get when I accomplish something completely on my own merit. If there’s a difficult puzzle or challenge in a game, it feels all the more rewarding when conquered with your own knowledge and abilities. It’s kind of the same feeling I get from beating games on Hard Mode, despite that Hard Mode can be bullshit sometimes (here are my thoughts on that matter).
It can be said in many different ways, but basically it boils down to something like, “this game is too easy because it’s too easy to break the game.” ‘Breaking the game’ in this case is usually attributed to exploiting a design flaw in the game.
February 2016
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